Haw Par Villa

Haw Par Villa Singapore is the paradigmatic house of Chinese folklore. Being here you can have one of the most exciting, fabulous, frantic and entertaining experiences of life.

It was built in 1937 by the entrepreneurial and dynamic Aw Boon Haw for his brother Boon Par. Haw Par Villa was formerly known as Tiger Balm Garden. Most interesting part of this villa is its statues and figurines. This Villa holds 25 clusters of the original statues and figurines all telling an intriguing story of Chinese mythology, legends and Chinese values.

The exciting part of Haw Par Villa is its 10 Court of Hells also. These Court Of Hells represent Chinese traditional beliefs. Chinese believe that when they meet death, they have to pass through judgments based upon their previous actions. Here they are judged by their good deeds and bad deeds. Those who have done well receive rewards and one who did wrong, is treated with punishment. At the Haw Par Villa, you travel the journey of the 10 Courts of Hell, starting from the mouth of the great dragon, to see what punishments are inflicted to wrong doers.

Apart from theses 10 Courts of Hell, you can find statues and figurines of the Laughing Buddha and the and Fu Lu Shou, to name some. All these creative pieces relate to some mythological stories and you can pass your entire day looking at them.

262 Pasir Panjang Road Singapore 118628

9.00 am - 7.00 pm (daily)


Approximate Touring Time
2 - 3 hours